Friday, February 29, 2008

Chittenden Delegation 2007 Financial report

I'd like to give a simple financial report for the year 2007 Chittenden Delegation. As you may know, each delegation is responsible for paying it's own way for program expenses which include practice facilities, transportation, a portion of the Summer Games expenses and a portion of the Winter Games expenses and other miscellaneous expenses. Special Olympics Vermont pays for all of the Spring and Fall Sports competitions and a majority of the Summer and Winter Games competitions. Even so, our program expenses are considerable. Here is a summary of our program finances for 2007:

Beginning balance


Income Foundations


Income Individuals


Income Corporate


Income Fund Raising


Expense Fund raising


Expense Program


Ending balance


Thanks, Dave

Thursday, February 28, 2008

2008 Penguin Plunge news!

Special Olympics Vermont has published a new Special Connections newsletter with pictures and results from the Penguin Plunge and pictures from NBC Today Show Meridith Vieira's plunge! Check it out!

Special Olympics Chittenden Delegation on TV!

A while back WCAX's Tim Kavanagh of LNS with Tim Kavanagh invited the our basketball athletes to a Vermont Frost Heaves game to participate in the Northfield Savings Bank half time baskets for charity. Tim and sixteen Chittenden basketball athletes shot baskets at half time and NSB will be donating $25 per shot or $425 to our delegation! Thanks Tim and NSB!

Watch LNS with Tim Kavanagh this Saturday, March 1st at 11:30 PM on WCAX to see clips of the Frost Heaves game, half time and see Northfield Savings Bank give a $425 check to our athletes!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

March 2, 2008 Alpine Ski practice

I want to remind you that the alpine team is going to practice at Suicide six ski area in South Pomfret next Sunday.
It's just a few miles from Woodstock and will be the site of the Winter Games march 14-16. We will ski there next Sunday so the athletes will have some familiarity with the trails they will race on.
We will leave from VTSO in Williston at 8:00 am and return at 5:30 pm.
The following Sunday we will be back to the regular 9:00 to 4:00 schedule for our last practice at Sugarbush.
Later this week, I plan to get the details of our travel plans to Woodstock to you.

Dave for Kirk

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2008 Chittenden Delegation Basketball Practice

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 - 7:30, February 26th through April 24th

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
73 Essex Way
Essex Junction, VT

Greg Broe 865-3914
Manager: Tammy Willey 899-2559
Karen Bogdan 865-3840
David Bogdan 865-3840
Andrew Patch

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Come to the Plunge with "Today"

Wednesday, February 20

1:00 P.M. at the Burlington Waterfront

You are invited to spread the word and come watch the Penguin Plunge with NBC’s “Today” Show anchor Meredith Vieira

who will raise money and awareness for Special Olympics Vermont.

This will be aired on the Today Show on Thursday, Feb. 21st

Burlington Waterfront Park, 1 Lake Street

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's not too late to volunteer for the Vermont Teddy Bear Fund raiser

Claire has a full contingent of volunteers to work at Vermont Teddy Bear from 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM on Tuesday February 12th. Vermont Teddy Bear has requested additional volunteers for Monday February 11th and Wednesday February 13th so it is not too late to chip in and volunteer to support the Chittenden Delegation of Special Olympics by working at Vermont Teddy Bear. Please contact Andrew Patch at 363-7268 if you are interested in volunteering for either of these days.

Thanks to those who have already volunteered to work on Tuesday with Claire and thanks in advance to those who will help out on Monday or Wednesday!


The 13th Annual Burlington Penguin Plunge was fantastic!

Our Chittenden Chatterers plunging team grew to five with the addition of Andrew! We were flock 18 and were in the frigid waters by 11:30. It was a beautiful day and great to be together with many others in support of Special Olympics! The Chittenden Cross Country Ski team and Snowshoeing team handed out towels as we return from the frosty waters. Thanks to everyone who plunged, pledged and volunteered to support Special Olympics Vermont and the Penguin Plunge!


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The 13th Annual Burlington Penguin Plunge is this Saturday, February 9th, 2008

That's right, and our Chittenden Chatterers plunging team has a new member, Kevin! The four of us, Karen, Kevin, Karen and Dave, will be plunging Saturday along with many others in support of Special Olympics! The Chittenden Cross Country Ski team and Snowshoeing team will be there to support the plungers by handing out towels as we return from the frosty waters. Please consider visiting the Burlington Water front Saturday to support the Penguin Plunge and enjoy the excitement!

Thanks, Dave

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mall Walking today, February 2, 2008

To much ice nad not enough snow in Williston so the cross country skiing and snowshoeing teams will walk the University Mall today!