Saturday, March 29, 2008

6th Annual Norwich Invitational Basketball Tournament , Saturday April 5th 2008

Our basketball team will be traveling to the 6th Annual Norwich University Basketball Invitational on Saturday, April 5th. A bus will be provided for travel. Please meet at the Special Olympics of Vermont office at 7:15 AM. The bus will leave at 7:30 AM.

Details about the day's events may be read on the Special Olympics Vermont webpage!

Depending on actual completion we will be back to Williston around 5:15 PM.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

2008 Winter Games press release

Special Olympics Vermont has a new press release: 261 ATHLETES COMPETED IN SPECIAL OLYMPICS VERMONT WINTER GAMES 2008 and the statistics and results are posted too! The Chittenden Delegation was well represented with 24 athletes competing in alpine skiing, cross country skiing and snowshoeing. We had a great time competing at Suicide Six and enjoyed the Woodstock Inn, the meals and the Mardi Gras dance. Read more at the above links! Dave

Friday, March 7, 2008

2008 Chittenden Delegation Swim practice

The University of Vermont has reserved the Athletic Pool for Chittenden Delegation Special Olympics Swim Practice on the following dates and times:

April 5, 2008 12:45pm to 1:45pm
April 12, 2008 12:45pm to 1:45pm
April 19, 2008 10:00am to 11:30am
April 26, 2008 10:00am to 11:30am
May 3, 2008 10:00am to 11:30am
May 10, 2008 10:00am to 11:30am
May 17, 2008 10:00am to 11:30am
May 24, 2008 10:00am to 11:30am


Carol Koerner
Karen Bogdan 865-3840
David Bogdan 865-3840
Andrew Patch

Mall Walking today, March 8th, 2008

Rain and ice in Williston so the cross country skiing and snowshoeing teams will walk the University Mall today!

2008 Winter Games March 14th - 16th

Athletes and parents,

On 14, 15, and 16 of March, the Chittenden Delegation will be staying at the Woodstock Inn and competing at the nearby Suicide Six ski area. I hope this message will give you the information you need, but if you have questions, please call Maggie at 524-3142 or Karen at 865-3840.

Parents and guests

You are all welcome to come to the games to cheer the athletes on; the ski area is in South Pomfret, six miles north of Woodstock. The competition begins at 9:00 both Saturday and Sunday morning. On Saturday the last race ends at 3:15, on Sunday at 11:45. If you want to make overnight plans, you should call the Woodstock Inn at 800.448.7900 and ask for “Friends and Families of Special Olympics” rates.

Team travel

The Chittenden delegation will travel by bus leaving from the VTSO office in Williston and returning to the same place. You should be at the Special Olympics office by 2:45 PM on Friday. We will return at 4:00 PM on Sunday.


The athletes need to have clothing appropriate to being outdoors for two hours on Friday evening at the opening ceremony, for skiing on Saturday and Sunday, and for the dance on Saturday night.



On Saturday morning before breakfast, we need to be ready to board a bus at 7:00 to go to the ski area. Athletes must have everything that they will need until 4:00 pm when we will return by bus to the Woodstock Inn. On Sunday we will need to clear everything from our our rooms before breakfast and board a bus at 7:00 to go to the ski area. We will not be returning to Woodstock; we will leave Sunday afternoon directly from the ski area. In order to make these moves without fail, athletes will have to pack very carefully. They should bring one bag for ski equipment and one other bag for clothing. They should bring only those items that they really need.


Breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday and dinner on Saturday evening will be provided as part of the program. We are making our own arrangements for dinner on Friday. We will provide pizza; the athletes should each bring the soft drinks they want.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Athletes, Families, Coaches, Volunteers, Friends welcomed

6:00 PM Wednesday April 2nd, 2008

Our Lady of Grace Parish Hall

784 Main St., Colchester Village

Call Claire Shockey to sign up 878-2346

Awards, Prizes, Good Food & Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Jeff Kutt Award

Each year an athlete is awarded the Jeff Kutt award by the Chittenden Area Special Olympics. In April 2008 we will again recognize an athlete who emanates Jeff's spirit of giving, helping and sharing happiness. If you would like to nominate an athlete for this award, simply write down why you think this athlete should receive this award and give it to any coach or Claire Shockey. All nominations will be considered and the award presented at the annual awards dinner on April 2, 2008 at Our Lady of Grace Parish Hall in Colchester Village.