Saturday, February 20, 2010

Catamount Saturday 2/20/2010

Cross country Skiing and Snowshoe will be at Catamount on Saturday, February 20th..  Watch this place for change of plans!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mall Walking Saturday, 2/13/2010

Cross country Skiing and Snowshoe will be walking the U-Mall on Saturday, February 13th.. 
Please dress for the Mall and wear your sneakers!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Chittenden Program Meeting Wedneday February 10th

When: Wednesday evening, February 10, 2010 at 7:00 PM

Where: Comfort Inn & Suites University Inn


  • Sports Program
  • Annual Pot Luck - Claire
  • Upcoming Fund raising activities
    • Calcutta - tentatively April 30th - Sasha Vaut
    • Spring Flower Sale - Mothers day is May 9th - Lori Uerz
    • 50/50 at the 46th Annual Champlain International  Championship Tournament, Champlain Lanes
      • March 20th through May 30th
    • Adopt-A-Cop - June 4th
    • Bowl-A-Thon - Tenatively July 18th
  • Obituaries - Linda Viau, Robert Harrington
  • Grants
    • MMU Shape Grant - Bob
    • IBM Community Grant - Dave
    • Walmart grant - 
  • Financial Status - Dave
Some of the links above require membership in the "SOVT Chittenden Delegation"  google group which is easy to join by subscibing in the Google Groups widget in the upper left hand corner of this blog.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

2010 Burlington Penguin Plunge

Our Plunging team, the Chittenden Chatterers dove into the frigid waters today survived!  We had 18 on our team and raised over $5,500 for Special Olympics Vermont.  We had quite a few athletes from our Winter Sports team at the plunge handing out towels to show their support.  Adrian Vaut spoke on behalf of all athletes at the opening ceremonies.  Thanks every one!
p.s. click on the above photo to see more