Tuesday, May 19, 2015

2015 Special Olympics Vermont Summer Games

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All, Summer Games will be the weekend of May 29 through May 31st at The University of Vermont. Friday evening dinner will be provided to credentialed individuals. Meals are provided for credentialed individuals Saturday evening through Sunday afternoon. 

The theme of the Saturday evening dance is "Luau", bring your Hawaiian shirt and Leis!

For those staying overnight at the UVM dorms, you must bring twin sized bed linen and blanket, pillow, toiletries and towels. Our delegation will be charged for any damage or missing items and also for keys that are not returned. Please be considerate of our host facility and also remember to turn in your keys.

Both the University of Vermont and Special Olympics Vermont are going "Green" so during competition water will be provided in bulk dispensers, please bring your own reusable water bottle to fill. Please make sure your name is on the water bottle!

Competition events will continue in bad weather unless there is thunder or lightning. Please watch the weather forecast and plan accordingly!

The Special Olympics Vermont Summer Games Handbook is available ==> here <==. This handbook has a more more detailed schedule and lots of good information about the weekend. A simplified schedule is here:

Event Schedule

Friday May 29:
  4:00 -  5:00 pm - Check in for those staying overnight in the UVM dorms - Redstone campus
  5:00 -  6:15 pm - Dinner at Indoor Tennis Courts
  6:15 -  6:45 pm - Line up for opening ceremonies parade of athletes - Indoor Tennis Courts
  7:00 pm – Opening Ceremonies with special guest, Captain Richard Phillips - Patrick Gym
  8:30 pm - Coaches meeting - South hallway behind Patrick Gym
Saturday May 30:
 7:00  -  8:00 am - Breakfast - Redstone Dinning inside Simpson Hall
 8:15 am - Shuttle bus to Softball begins
 9:00  -  4:00 pm - Competition and Awards
11:45 - 1:30 pm - Lunch (varies by sport)
 5:30  -  6:30 pm - Dinner - Indoor Tennis Courts
 6:15  - Coaches meeting
 6:30  -  8:30 pm - Victory dance - "Luau" - Patrick Gym
Sunday May 31:
 7:00  -  8:00 am - Breakfast - Redstone Dinning inside Simpson Hall
 8:00 am - Shuttle bus to Softball begins
 8:45  -  1:00 pm - Competition and Awards
11;30 -  1:30 pm - Lunch - Indoor Tennis Courts