Tuesday, May 23, 2017

2017 Special Olympics Vermont Summer Games

Summer Games will be the weekend of June 3rd and June 4th at The University of Vermont. Meals are provided for credentialed individuals Saturday afternoon through Sunday afternoon. 

The theme of the Saturday evening dance is "Fire and Ice"!

For those staying overnight at the UVM dorms, you must bring toiletries. Our delegation will be charged for any damage or missing items and also for keys that are not returned. Please be considerate of our host facility and also remember to turn in your keys.

Both the University of Vermont and Special Olympics Vermont are going "Green" so during competition water will be provided in bulk dispensers, please bring your own reusable water bottle to fill. Please make sure your name is on the water bottle!

Competition events will continue in bad weather unless there is thunder or lightning. Please watch the weather forecast and plan accordingly!

The Special Olympics Vermont Summer Games Handbook is available ==> here <==. This handbook has a much more detailed schedule and lots of good information about the weekend.

This is the first Summer Games in the new Sports Season Reorganization. There are several changes to the event. Please take note of the following changes:
  • The two sports competing are Basketball and Bocce.
  • All Basketball teams and skills athletes have competitions both Saturday and Sunday. Athletes, partners and coaches must attend both days!!!!!!!
  • Basketball jerseys will be handed out Saturday morning and collected Sunday afternoon after awards.
  • Summer Games begins on Saturday, there is nothing Friday night.
  • For those staying in the dorms Saturday night, linens and towels will be provided.

The is the schedule of events is below. Please note that our Chittenden delegation is only allowing dorm check in Saturday morning and will require check out Sunday morning. We will load everyone's "stuff" into pickup trucks as we have done in prior years. 

Saturday June 3rd
7:30 AM8:45 AMCheck in at Dorms (only those staying overnight) Wing/Davis/Wilks Dorm
8:30 AM9:20 AMShuttle to Patrick Gym
9:50 AM10:00 AMCoaches meetings - Bocce @ Virtue Field, Basketball @ Indoor Tennis Courts
9:30 AM10:00 AMAthletes and partners not staying in dorms check in with Coaches
10:00 AM3:30 PMPreliminary Bocce and Team Basketball Competition
10:00 AM3:30 PMHealthy Athletes Special Smiles, Opening Eyes - Indoor Tennis Courts
11:45 AM1:30 PMLunch - Indoor Tennis Courts
1:00 PM3:30 PMPreliminary Basketball Skills Competition
4:30 PM4:45 PMLine up for Parade of Athletes - Indoor Tennis Courts
4:30 PM4:30 PMTorch Run Shuttle from Patrick Gym to Windjammer
4:45 PM5:00 PMParade of Athletes - Patrick Gym
5:00 PM6:00 PMOpening Ceremonies - Patrick Gym
5:00 PM5:00 PMTorch Run departs Windjammer
6:00 PM7:00 PMDinner - Indoor Tennis Courts
7:00 PM8:30 PMDance "Fire and Ice" - Patrick Gym
Sunday June 4th
7:30 AM8:00 AMCheck out of dorms
8:00 AM9:00 AMBreakfast - Indoor Tennis Courts
9:15 AM9:30 AMCoaches meetings - Bocce @ Virtue Field, Basketball @ Indoor Tennis Courts
9:30 AM3:00 PMFinal Bocce and Team Basketball Competition
9:30 AM3:00 PMFinal Basketball Skills
9:30 AM2:30 PMHealthy Athletes Healthy Hearing - Indoor Tennis Courts
11:45 AM1:00 PMLunch - Indoor Tennis Courts