Thursday, November 11, 2021

2021 Chittenden Dry Land Training

 Now that our fall fitness walks have finished, we are going to start a Dry Land Training program. This will be an outdoor fitness program to get us in shape for winter sports or, for those who don't do winter sports, the sports that come after that. We plan to meet from 11:00 - 12:00 AM Sundays at the Willey Farm starting 11/21/21. The training will be more strenuous than our fitness walks have been and will focus on core strength and flexibility. This will be excellent preparation for alpine skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing and snowshoeing. We are planning on offering winter sports starting in January so now is the time to get off the couch and get prepared!  People not planning on doing winter sports are encouraged to come too! This will be good for everyone!  

We will run the program Sunday 11/21/21 through Sunday 12/19/21. Watch your email and the blog for weather cancellations. Dress in layers because it will probably be cold but as we exercise, you will get hot and want to take a layer off. Bring a water bottle. Also, if you have an exercise mat, you may want to bring it. 

Please contact David Bogdan <> or 802-865-3840 to sign up. We will be checking for current medicals. Special Olympics COVID-19 protocols are still in place, please wear a mask to check-in and we will be taking temperatures and asking the COVID-19 questions. 


Jay Schulz

Karen Bogdan

Dave Bogdan


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Williston Fitness Walk Canceled - 11/3/21

 We have canceled the Williston Fitness walk today, 11/3/21.