Friday, September 16, 2022

2022 Fall Chittenden Fitness Walks

We are starting Fall fitness Walks and will have two locations. Let me know if you want to join either of these:

Essex Fitness Walk - 5:00 - 6:00 Tuesdays starting 9/20/22 at the Willey Family Farm
Burlington Fitness Walk - 5:00 - 6:00 Wednesdays starting 9/21/22 at Leddy Park

These will run for 7 weeks until we return Standard Time. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Chittenden Soccer Practice rescheduled to 5:45 PM Thursday, 9/15/22

We want to have one last practice before the tournament and Tuesday's weather is looking very bad so we are rescheduling to 5:45 PM, Thursday at the Willey Family Farm. Thanks, Dave

Monday, September 12, 2022

Chittenden Softball Practice rescheduled to 5:30 PM Thursday, 9/15/22

We want to have one last practice before the tournament and Tuesday's weather is looking very bad so we are rescheduling to 5:30 PM, Thursday at Schifillitti Park. Thanks, Dave

Sunday, September 11, 2022

2022 Special Olympics Vermont Fall Games

 Hi all, here I am sending the high level schedule for Fall Games. The Soccer Softball and Track competition will be at the Collins Perley Sports and Fitness Center in St. Albans.  The Golf competition will be at the Golf Club at Basin Harbor. Both locations will have the same high level schedule:

9:00 AM - Check-in, we will be handing out jerseys during check-in.
9:30 AM - Opening Ceremonies.
10:00 AM - Competition begins
3:00 PM - Estimated end of all competitions and awards

Lunch will be available for registered athletes, coaches, partners and support people. Please bring a water bottle.

We will collect the jerseys after final awards and before you leave. 
Softball and Soccer spectators may want to bring lawn chairs.


Basin Harbor Event Guide:









Collins Perley Event Guide:

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Baseball Extravaganza Night - Boston Red Sox vs New York Yankees

 We are invited to a free community event hosted by our head golf coach, Greg Clairmont. All are welcome!