Friday, January 29, 2010

2010 Chittenden Basketball Practice

Basketball season is upon us.  We're changing to Mondays and Thursdays from 6:00 - 7:30, February 15th through April 15th.

One location:
Essex Alliance Community Center - 37 Old Stage Road, Essex Junction, VT 05452

No practice on Thursday April 1st or Monday April 12th.   Last practice on Thursday April 15th.
The Spring Sports Competition will be the weekend of April 17th and 18th at UVM.  

Coach Tammy Willey

Coach Dan Swider

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter Sports teams support the Penguin Plunge on Saturday February 6th

Our Cross Country and Snowshoe teams will meet at the Burlington Waterfront at 10:00 AM Saturday February 6th to hand out towels in support of the Penguin Plungers.  This activity will replace our normal practice.  The Alpine Ski team is welcome to join us!

p.s. The Chittenden Chatterers plunging team will especially appreciate towels :-) 

Mall Walking Saturday, 1/30/2010

Cross country Skiing and Snowshoe will be walking the U-Mall on Saturday, January 30th. 
Please dress for the Mall and wear your sneakers!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

2010 Team Bowling Competition

Twin City Lanes, 708 US Route 302, Barre, VT

Please note the time change below

Session 2 – Schedule
11:30-11:45pm Delegation Check-In
11:45-12:00pm Coaches Meeting
12:00-12:15pm Opening Ceremony
12:15-2:45pm Competition/Awards

Please remember to wear your purple tee shirts!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Chittenden Program Meeting Wednesday January 13th

When: Wednesday evening, January 13, 2010 at 7:00 PM

Where: Comfort Inn & Suites University Inn


  • Upcoming Fund raising activities
  • Role with Harley Bowling league @ Champlain Lanes and Twin City Lanes
  • Penguin Plunge, Saturday February 6th - $25.00 per plunger that specifies Chittenden!
  • Calcutta - Looking for coordinator, Friday evening event vs Sunday afternoon, chose date, etc.
  • Spring Flower Sale - Mothers day is May 9th
  • 50/50 at the 46th Annual Champlain International  Championship Tournament, Champlain Lanes
  • March 20th through May 30th
  • Global Messenger Opportunities - Kevin
    • Penguin Plunge 2/6, Press conference 1/27
  • Grants
  • MMU Shape Grant - Bob
  • IBM Community Grant - Dave
  • Walmart grant - 
  • Warm up clothing costs - Dave
  • Program costs - Dave
  • Financial Status - Dave
  • Fund raising status - Dave
Some of the links above require membership in the "SOVT Chittenden Delegation"  google group which is easy to join by subscibing in the Google Groups widget in the upper left hand corner of this blog.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Support Special Olympics Vermont - Penguin Plunge

It's that freezin' time of year again. Crazy folks will jump into the frigid waters of Lake Champlain for the 15th Annual Burlington Penguin Plunge fund raiser!  Please consider either joining our plunging team, the Chittenden Chatterers or pledging for one of our members. Each member has a Firstgiving widget on the sidebar showing their fund raising status. Join the team and I'll add a widget for you or click on one of our members widget and pledge!   When joining our team or any other team, please indicate that you would like your registration fee to go to the Chittenden Program!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Mall Walking Saturday 1/9/2010

Cross country Skiing and Snowshoe will be walking the U-Mall Tomorrow Wind chill to be -4 to-7 degrees

Please dress for the Mall and wear your sneakers


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cross Country Skiing and Snowshoeing time change

Practice will be held at Catamount Outdoor Family Center Saturday's through March 6th.
Practice starts promptly at 9:15 AM  (9:30 on the track) to 11:30 AM.
If there is no snow or the Wind Chill is below zero (,  we will be walking the University Mall. The schedule remains the same as if we were at Catamount.
On Saturday February 6th we will meet at the Burlington waterfront to hand out towels for the Penguin Plunge!

If you have a conflict or are sick and cannot make practice please contact one of the coaches. You cannot miss more than two practices without being excused or you will not be able to attend Winter Games. Attendance will be taken at each practice.

Winter Game are March 12th, 13th, and 14th at the Woodstock Inn and Suicide Six.

You are welcome to practice with us even if you do not want to go to winter games, just please let one of the coaches know this in advance.

Maggie Trayah Phone: 802-524-3142 or cell 802-393-3344 or email:
Karen Bogdan Phone: 802-865-3840 or email:

Dave for Maggie

Team Bowling canceled today, 01/03/2010 - Snow storm

All, Team Bowling is canceled today due to the snow storm.  See you all next Sunday!