Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Dance

Fund Raiser for Chittenden County

When: APRIL 2, 2010

Where: Hampton Inn, Colchester

Who: All Athletes, Friends & Families

Cost: $ 5.00/person or $ 10/family

Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

DJ: “Forest Love” Scrivins

Please bring a snack to share! Drinks will be provided
T-shirts for sale & donations accepted!

9th Annual Norwich University – Basketball Invitational – SUNDAY - March 27th

9th Annual Norwich University – Basketball Invitational – SUNDAY - March 27th

Lunch will not be provided.  Please plan accordingly

Bring lunch, water bottle (water will also be provided), wear black shorts and a white t-shirt (the purple team jerseys go over the t-shirts) and sneakers.  Skills athletes please wear purple Chittenden t-shirts.

Also: Norwich University is in Northfield.  We've had some problems with people going to Norwich, Vermont instead of Northfield.

Events Offered
Traditional & Unified Team Basketball
Individual Competition: Target Pass, Spot Shot, 2 Meter Dribble
Developmental Skills Competition: Short Basket Shoot, Speed Dribble, Spot Shot


Sunday, March 28th - All Events

8:30 - 9:00 Check Check-In
9:00 - 9:15 Coaches Meeting
9:15 - 9:30 Line up for parade of Athletes
9:30 - 10:00 Opening Ceremony
10:00 - 12:00 Skills Preliminary Round - Team Competition
11:00 - 12:30 Skills Final competition and awards
12:15 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:30 Team Competition - continues
2:30 - 2:45 Awards

Take I-89 S
Take exit 5 for WI-64 toward WI-12/WI-14/Northfield/Williamstown
Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Northfield/VT-64 W/VT-12 W and merge onto VT-64 W
Turn right at E Roxbury Rd/VT-12 N
Continue to follow VT-12 N
Norwich University will be on the left.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Nine years ago in 2002, the Chittenden Program started the "Jeff Kutt Spirit Award" in remembrance of Jeff.  He was a very determined athlete who loved bowling and life!  Jeff had a congenital heart condition and although he was ill for a very long time, he kept bowling as long as he could.  He was 27 in 2001 when he passed away and in March 2002, Larry Young was named to first recipient of the "Jeff Kutt Spirit Award," which was presented by Jeff's father at the Annual Pot Luck Supper and Awards Night.  In addition to Larry, past award recipients have included:  Peter Tarte, Dawn Daggett, Randy Turner, Wayne Ashline, Robin Shockey, Scott Johnston, Camille Cardinal and Daniel Goodrow.

Please submit to me you nomination for the Jeff Kutt Spirit Award of an athlete who emulates Jeff's determination and positive spirit.  Please submit your nominations to me no later than Tuesday March 15th by email at  and please include the following information:  Name of the athlete, your name and the reasons why you feel this individual has earned this award.  The annual Pot Luck and Awards Night is Thursday march 24th at Our Lade of Grace Church.

Please contact me with any questions in the evening at 899-5506.
Lori Uerz

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Please mark your calendar
Thursday, 3/24/2011    6PM  (eating on time)

784 Main St.
Colchester Village

Athletes, families, coaches, volunteers and friends welcomed
Call Claire Shockey 878-2346 or e-mail
Hot & cold dishes, salads, rolls & dessert needed

Awards, prizes, good food & fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chittenden Program Meeting Wednesday March 9th, 6:00 PM

Where: Essex Alliance Community Center during basketball

Monday, March 7, 2011

Basketball canceled tonight, Monday 3/7/2011 - Winter storm

All, we are canceling basketball practice tonight due to the winter storm.  See everyone on Wednesday. 


Saturday, March 5, 2011

2011 Winter Games, March 11 - 13


Athletes and parents,
On 11, 12, and 13 of March, the Chittenden Delegation will be staying at the Woodstock Inn and competing at the nearby Suicide Six ski area. I hope this message will give you the information you need, but if you have questions, please call Maggie at 524-3142, Kirk at 878-3431 or Karen at 865-3840.
Parents and guests
You are all welcome to come to the games to cheer the athletes on; the ski area is in South Pomfret, six miles north of Woodstock. Assuming the daily schedule will be the same as last year, the competition will begin at 9:00 both Saturday and Sunday morning. On Saturday the last race will end around 3:15, on Sunday around 11:45.
Team travel
The Chittenden delegation will travel by car pool caravan leaving from the VTSO office in Williston and returning to the same place. You should be at the Special Olympics office by 2:30 PM on Friday, March 11th. We will return by 2:30 PM on Sunday, March 13th. A phone list will be brought so that we can make cell phone calls if our return time changes significantly.
The athletes need to have clothing appropriate to being outdoors for two hours on Friday evening at the opening ceremony, for competing on Saturday and Sunday, and for the dance on Saturday night.
Daily Logistics and Packing
On Saturday morning before breakfast, we need to be ready to board a bus at 7:00 to go to the ski area. Athletes must have everything that they will need until 4:00 pm when we will return by bus to the Woodstock Inn. On Sunday we will need to clear everything from our our rooms by 7:00 AM, before breakfast, and car pool to the ski area. We will not be returning to Woodstock; we will leave Sunday afternoon directly from the ski area. In order to make these moves without fail, athletes will have to pack very carefully. They should bring one bag for ski/snowshoe equipment and one other bag for clothing. Please do not overpack! Bring only those items that they really need.
Friday evenings meal
The Woodstock Inn will be offering pizza by the slice. Please bring $10.00 to buy your own pizza and drink Friday evening. You may want to bring additional money for souvenirs from the Woodstock Inn or Suicide Six.

Saturday and Sunday Meals
Breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday and dinner on Saturday evening will be provided to credentialed people as part of the program.
More details
More details may be found in the Coaches Handbook on the VTSO website.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cross Country and Snowshoe will be walking at University Mall - 03/5/2011

Will be walking the Mall tomorrow. Please meet in our usual spot in front of Kohl's at 9 am. we will be walking until 11am.  Please bring your sneakers and be ready to walk.



Come help us this Saturday to promote strong bones for the athlete's!

This Saturday during practice, you will have the opportunity to have your athlete's bone density checked (as well as yours if you like!).
Please spend a little time to participate in this screening and important research, and enjoy some yummy snacks!
We hope to see you all there on Saturday!

Thank you,
Danielle Simmons
University of Vermont
Master of Science in Dietetics