Friday, February 28, 2014

Chittenden Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe practice at University Mall, Saturday 3/1/2014

All, the trails are icy and the windchill will be bad on Saturday so we will be walking at the University Mall.  Dave

Friday, February 21, 2014

Chittenden Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe practice at University Mall, Saturday 2/22/14

We will be walking the Mall tomorrow due to Catamount being closed. 

Please remember that you need to attend practice so that you can go to winter games.

We have one practice left after tomorrow and we need to go over the Code of Conduct tomorrow.

See you tomorrow morning at 9 am sharp.



Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Special Olympics Vermont Regional Meeting

All program coordinators, coaches, support & family members are invited to attend a 

Special Olympics Vermont Regional Meeting 

Please join Lisa DeNatale, Chris Bernier and Michelle Gates for a current account of the organization and a collaborative discussion about our goals. 

Please RSVP to Michelle: or 802-863-5222 X108 

Thursday, March 20, 5:30-7:00pm: The Best Western Windjammer Inn, 1076 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 Conference Room (rear of hotel)


5:30pm Introductions
5:40pm Past/Present/Future of SOVT: Where are we going & why? 
5:50pm Review of SO & SOVT Priorities and Strategic Plan 
6:00pm Budget & Funding: The real facts and figures 
6:15pm Open Discussion: Questions/Comments/Feedback 
7:00pm Closing

No Basketball practice week of February 24

The Essex Alliance Community Center gym will not be available next week so there will be NO PRACTICE on Monday, February 24th and Wednesday February 26th.  We'll be back to practice the following week. Thanks, Dave

Sunday, February 9, 2014

2014 Winter Games

Athletes, families and caregivers,
On the 7, 8, and 9 of March, the Chittenden Delegation will be staying at the Woodstock Inn and competing at the nearby Suicide Six ski area. I hope this message will give you the information you need, but if you have questions, please call Maggie at 802-524-3142, Sue at 802-373-2634 or Karen or me at 865-3840.
Parents and guests

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMugYou are all welcome to come to the games to cheer the athletes on; the ski area is in South Pomfret, six miles north of Woodstock. Assuming the daily schedule will be the same as last year, the competition will begin at 9:00 both Saturday and Sunday morning. On Saturday the last race will end around 3:15, on Sunday around 11:45.
Team travel
The Chittenden delegation will travel by car pool caravan leaving from the SOVT office in South Burlington and returning to the same place. You should be at the Special Olympics office by 2:30 PM on Friday, March 7th. We will return by 2:30 PM on Sunday, March 9th. A phone list will be brought so that we can make cell phone calls if our return time changes significantly.  Please anticipate that we may return early or late and be available for pick up.
The athletes need to have clothing appropriate to being outdoors for two hours on Friday evening at the opening ceremony, for competing on Saturday and Sunday, and for the dance on Saturday night.  The theme of the dance is "St Patrick’s Day"

Daily Logistics and Packing
On Saturday morning before breakfast, we need to be ready to board a bus at 7:00 to go to the ski area. Athletes must have everything that they will need until 4:00 pm when we will return by bus to the Woodstock Inn. On Sunday we will need to clear everything from our our rooms by 7:00 AM, before breakfast, and car pool to the ski area. We will not be returning to Woodstock; we will leave Sunday afternoon directly from the ski area. In order to make these moves without fail, athletes will have to pack very carefully. They should bring one bag for ski/snowshoe equipment and one other bag for clothing. Please do not overpack! Bring only those items that they really need.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMugFriday evenings meal
The Woodstock Inn will be offering pizza by the slice. Please bring $10.00 to buy your own pizza and drink Friday evening. You may want to bring additional money for souvenirs from the Woodstock Inn or Suicide Six.

Saturday and Sunday Meals
Breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday and dinner on Saturday evening will be provided to credentialed people as part of the program.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Basketball Canceled tonight, Wednesday 2/5/2014

Okay, too many people have called to say they are not coming... We are canceling practice tonight! Stay warm and safe!  Dave

p.s. Tammy will still be at the gym to give heads up to all who do not get the message

Yes, coach Tammy and Karen will be at practice tonight... from Tammy: "I'll be there unless things look drastic tomorrow afternoon (like we get 2 feet instead of 8 inches).  As always, I would never tell the athletes they "must show up"!  Care providers and athletes should not drive if the weather makes them uncomfortable or if the footing is too hazardous for them."