Saturday, March 28, 2020

2020 Pajama Jam Dance

2020 At Home Fitness Challenge!

Special Olympics Vermont has announced an At Home Fitness Challenge for athletes. Sign up, complete and record your weekly fitness challenge for 8 weeks and you can win a medal while staying healthy!

Contact me by phone (802-865-3840) or email ( to sign up. I will need to know your fitness level; easy, intermediate or advanced, and how you want to receive your weekly challenge, by email, postal mail or other online options.  

Stay well, Dave 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Covid-19 update: Summer Sports practice canceled through the end of May

I know how disappointing this is, but Special Olympics Vermont has decided to cancel all training and competition through the end of May. This was a very strong recommendation from Special Olympics International. Many Vermont Program Coordinators were on the call when the decision was made, including me, and the decision was unanimous. We want our athletes, coaches, families and caregivers to be safe and that means encouraging "social distancing" and canceling all group activities. 

This means that there will be no basketball practice and no bocce practice. Special Olympics Vermont has not canceled the weekend of Summer Games, yet, but if an event is held, it will be different that "Summer Games". 

Special Olympics International and Special Olympics Vermont are both working on ways to keep everyone engaged and active while at home. I will keep you posted on that. Stay home and stay safe!  Dave


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Safety First: Special Olympics Vermont 2020 Winter Games have been canceled

Below is a message from Special Olympics Vermont President and CEO, Missy Siner Shea. In an abundance of caution, Special Olympics Vermont is cancelling the 2020 Winter Games. We have also been instructed to cancel all practices through the end of March so, Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding, Cross Country Skiing and Snowshoeing practice are now cancelled. We will take stock of the situation as as the month progresses and make appropriate decisions about starting Summer Sports Basketball and Bocce practice.

I know this is very disappointing but we want to keep everyone safe and healthy. Missy's message follows. Thanks, Dave

Dear Special Olympics Vermont Program Leadership (Heads of Delegation, Coaches and Program Support),
Thanks to many of you who were able to join us on calls to discuss the safety of our athletes at our upcoming events. Your input and collaboration is greatly appreciated. 
We have been closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation, with guidance from Special Olympics International and Special Olympics North America, based on information from the Centers for Disease Control, as well as the Vermont Department of Health and various health professionals. The situation changes each day. 
Monday evening Special Olympics program leaders worldwide received a communication from Mary Davis, CEO, Special Olympics International, strongly advising all Special Olympics Programs to suspend all sport training and competition activities and other activation involving our athletes through March 31, 2020
The health and safety of our athletes, and of the entire Special Olympics Vermont community is paramount and cannot be compromised. It is very unfortunate that, in an abundance of caution, we must cancel the following upcoming SOVT events:
  • Winter Games at Killington Pico Resort; Sunday, March 22 - Tuesday, March 24 
  • Unified Champion Schools Snowshoe Tournament; Wednesday March 25
We ask for your consideration and understanding that: 
  • Many of our athletes, as well as some coaches and volunteers, are a higher risk population 
  • Given the close quarters of the interior spaces and lodging, it would be extremely difficult to maintain social distancing and best practices for personal hygiene as recommended by the CDC
  • Participants are coming from around the state, including athletes from New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey - states which also have confirmed cases of COVID-19 
The Southern Vermont Penguin Plunge at Bromley Mountain is scheduled for Saturday, March 21. We are collaborating with our partners to explore alternative approaches, including the possibility of hosting a virtual event. 
We recognize that cancelling these important and fun events is truly disappointing for the athletes who have trained for months to prepare for these competitions. Coaches, volunteers, family, friends, and our SOVT staff and board will be sad to miss the chance to support and cheer for them. Still, our shared love of sport doesn’t compare to the importance of protecting the health and safety of the Special Olympics Vermont community. We also want you to know that Special Olympics Vermont will not pass on any costs we incur; we will not charge Games or any other fees to local programs. 
The recommendation from Special Olympics International, which we are following, calls for suspending all sports training and competition activities hosted by the Special Olympics state program office, through the end of March. We understand this could affect additional events, including training for Summer Games, which begins soon. With things changing daily, it is hard to determine the future impact. We will continue to monitor how this situation progresses, and provide periodic updates.
As this information is extremely important and time sensitive, we ask that you please pass this message along to athletes, program volunteers, families, caregivers, and all other affected parties. We are in the process of informing additional stakeholders and will be sending out a communication to the broader public on Wednesday, March 11th.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and continued support.

Missy Siner Shea
President & CEO

Friday, March 6, 2020

Chittenden Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe practice at the Burlington BIke Path, 3/7/20

The conditions at Catamount are not good. We will have cross country ski and snowshoe practice at the Burlington Bike path, Saturday 3/7/20 from 9:00 - 11:00. Meet at Leddy Park! 

Monday, March 2, 2020

2020 Jeff Kutt Spirit Award Nomination Information

The Jeff Kutt Award was founded in 2002 to honor athletes who epitomize the spirit of the Special Olympics. The recipient of this award has exemplified his or her commitment to the team, strives for excellence, demonstrates teamwork on and off the field, and has shown courage in their attempt to succeed.

Those worthy of this award will exhibit the following behaviors/qualities:

  • Helpful to teammates
  • Encouraging to teammates, especially when others are feeling down.
  • Exhibits great sportsmanship, win or lose.
  • Shows enthusiasm, win or lose.
  • Is attentive and focused both during practice and events.

Nomination Process

  1. Identify the athlete you would like to nominate with their full name and sport(s) they participate in.
  2. Provide a brief description of the athlete, including how they relate to the qualities listed above.
  3. Send your nominations in email form to Dick Giard at by noon, Wednesday April 1st.

Once nominations have been received, we will compile them into a master document and send it to the award committee, comprised of the Chittenden Program management committee. The recipient of the award will be announced at the spring Annual Potluck Supper and Awards Night on Thursday, April 16th.

The Jeff Kutt Award has honored the following athletes:

2019 Becky Brown
2018 Adam Brooks
2017 Danielle Viau
2016 Sarah Laclair
2015 Leah Boardman
2014 Joshua Holsopple
2013 Carrie Fox
2012 Malai Holland
2011 Shanan Duba
2010 Daniel Goodrow
2009 Camille Cardinal
2008 Scott Johnston
2007 Robin Shockey
2006 Wayne Ashline
2005 Dawn Daggett
2004 Randy Turner
2003 Peter Tarte
2002 Larry Young

** Postponed ** 2020 Annual Potluck Supper and Awards Night

Please mark your calendar
Thursday, April 16th   6PM  (eating time)

784 Main St.
Colchester Village

Athletes, families, caregivers, coaches, volunteers and friends welcomed!
Call Laurette Cade, 879-6061 to RSVP
Hot and cold dishes, salads, rolls and dessert needed.

Awards, prizes, good food and fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

2020 Chittenden Summer Sports

Announcing our Summer Sports offerings

Summer Sports will include Basketball and Bocce. Athletes may choose one of these two sports.


Please register for Basketball or Bocce or by calling or emailing Dave Bogdan (802-865-3840). You must have a current medical to begin practice and we must have it at practice. Registration enables us to have copies at practice.

Bocce Ball

Bocce practice begins Wednesday April 8th, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the UVM athletics field next to the Gutterson Field House. Practices continue on Wednesdays 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. through June 3rd.
Peter Brady

Chittenden Basketball

Basketball practice will be Sunday's starting March 29th  and continue on Sundays through May 31st. There will be no practice Easter Sunday, April 12th or on Memorial Day weekend, May 24th. This year we will have 2 sessions again. Athletes will be assigned sessions based on the team you will be on. Skills, Stingers, Shooting Stars and Dunkers will be in session 1 from 3:00 to 4:15. The Sharks, Champs and Chargers will be in session 2 from 4:15 to 5:30. We will let you know what session you are in when you register.
Tammy Willey, Karen Cutler

Summer Games

The 2020 Special Olympics Vermont Summer Games will be at UVM and St. Michaels College on the weekend of June 6th and 7th with the option to stay overnight in the dorms Saturday night. Events will include basketball and bocce.