Tuesday, November 28, 2023

2024 Chittenden Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Practice

Hi all, we are happy to offer Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe practice starting Saturday January 6th 2024 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM at the Catamount Outdoor Family Center. Please contact Dave Bogdan <dbogdansr@gmail.com> or 802-865-3840 to sign up.

As with last year, snowshoes are not allowed on the groomed cross country ski trails so you will be on a snowshoe trail while skiers will be on a ski trail. We will have to check in and register as a group at the shack in the parking lot. The coaches will do the check-in but we need to know who is attending each Saturday. 

Catamount will require all participants to complete a waiver. You may complete it on-line here: https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/588f7c34a36c8/web/%20target=

Catamount will have equipment for rent. They will charge $20 for skis and, $5 for snowshoes. You will be responsible for paying for equipment if you need it. 

As always, we need a current medical to participate. I can check your status when you sign up. 

Practice will run from January 6th through March 2nd. If the trails are closed, we have the option to walk the Burlington Bike Path. At this point, we are not planning on any indoor alternatives. 
Special Olympics Vermont Competition 
Special Olympics will host the statewide Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Competition at the Rickert Outdoor Center on Saturday March 9th!
Thanks, Dave

2024 Chittenden Alpine Ski and Snowboard Practice

Hi all, our Chittenden program is pleased to partner with Vermont Adaptive to provide Alpine Ski and Snowboard practice. Please contact David Bogdan <dbogdansr@gmail.com>, phone 802-865-3840 to sign up. I will need to know if you need equipment and transportation when you sign up. Also, we will require a current medical on file before you may go to the mountain!  

I want to highlight that attendance at practice is important. We expect everyone who signs up to commit to attending practices! That said, we will still follow Covid Guidelines. I want to emphasize that if you have any symptoms, such as sneezing, cough or fever or just aren't feeling well, you must stay home!

Now is a good time to get your equipment out and schedule a tune-up so you are all set to go!

We plan to provide transportation from Special Olympics Vermont to Sugarbush Mt Ellen for those who need it. We will depart at 11:45AM and plan to be back by 4:45PM. We do need volunteers to drive! Please contact David Bogdan to volunteer!

Please note that the lunch bar at Mt Ellen will only take payment by credit card and will not accept cash. Please plan accordingly and bring snacks and drinks if you do not have a card.  

Here are the details from Sarah at Vermont Adaptive, you will have to complete the athlete profile and the online waivers:

When: Sundays, 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm 
Dates: January 7, 21, 28. February 4, 11, 25. March 3, 10, 17, 24
Where: Vermont Adaptive Office, Murphy’s Annex, Mt Ellen, Sugarbush Resort, Warren, VT

Required Vermont Adaptive Paperwork- 
1. Athlete Profiles - for all athletes
2. Online Waivers - for all athletes and volunteers (this will be available in December, stay tuned)

Special Olympics Vermont Competition
Special Olympics Vermont is planning on having a one day Statewide competition at the Middlebury Snowbowl on a Monday in March. The date has not been finalized.
Thanks, Dave

2023 Holiday Fitness Walk

Coach Maggie will start a weekly Saturday Morning Fitness Walk at the University Mall starting Saturday, November 18th from 9:30 - 11:00. We will meet at the Kohl's end of the mall. Please let me know if you will be joining the fitness walk.