Thursday, January 10, 2008

13th Annual Burlington Penguin Plunge February 9th, 2008

The Penguin Plunge is a very exciting and popular fund raising event for Special Olympics Vermont. We have formed the Chittenden Chatterers plunging team to support Special Olympics Vermont. Each plunger pays a $25.00 registration fee and then must raise an additional $150.00 to qualify for plunging. Each plunger may designate the registration fee ($25) go to a specific delegation. You can guess which delegation our team will designate!

For those crazy about Special Olympics and just crazy in general, it is not too late to join the Chittenden Chatters! This is my first time plunging into the frigid February waters of Lake Champlain but I'm looking forward to it. Please join in the excitement!

If you are more reserved, please consider pledging to someone on our team. You may pledge online by clicking on anyone listed on the team! Also, if you know anyone plunging individually or on another plunging team, please ask them to designate their registration fee to Chittenden. Many plungers do not realize this option is available!

Thanks, Dave

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