Friday, April 11, 2008


The pot luck and awards night, held Wednesday April 2nd, was wonderful time to celebrate the success of our athletes and the Chittenden program. Thank you to everyone who brought food, stories, pictures and smiles to share!

Ian Kutt, brother of Jeffrey Kutt, presented the Jeff Kutt Award to Scott Johnston recognizing Scott as an athlete who emanates Jeff's spirit of giving, helping and sharing happiness. Congratulations Scott!

Karen Bogdan, Maggie Trayah, Tammy Willey, Greg Broe and I then presented our athletes with Certificates of Achievement in recognition of their participation in the Special Olympics Vermont Chittenden program.

Judy Laird then presented an amazing variety of door prizes to all athletes.

I want to give special thanks to Claire Shockey for organizing the evening, to Helen Tarte for assisting Claire with the evening preparation and clean up and to Judy Laird for pulling together the door prizes. The evening was a big success through their efforts! THANKS!

I hope everyone went home with a warm glow inside!


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