Sunday, August 31, 2008

Direct appeal for donations towards Athlete clothing

Did you know that each Special Olympics Delegation is responsible for fund raising to pay for athlete clothing, practice facilities, equipment, travel and approximately, 15% of the cost of state competitions? The Chittenden Delegation expenses were about $18,000.00 in 2007 and we spent nothing on athlete clothing!

Sharron Whittle is coordinating a direct appeal for donations to Chittenden Delegation specifically for clothing. The first purchase will be for Chittenden Delegation tee shirts to be worn to games and competitions to show team spirit and are separate from the competition uniforms. Each athlete will receive one tee shirt. Donations beyond the cost of tee shirts will be used towards new winter sports jackets, spring sports jackets and swim suites.

Families who wish to purchase additional tee shirts may coordinate this with Sharron:

Sharron Whittle
phone: 876-7007

Checks should be made out to "Special Olympics Vermont", with "Chittenden Delegation" included in the note field and mailed to Sharron:

Sharron Whittle
18 Maple Rd
Williston, VT 05495

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