Friday, December 26, 2008

Mall Walking Saturday 12/27/08

Cross country ski and snowshoe practice will be at the University Mall at 10 am for Dec 27, due to 100% chance of rain and chance of thundershowers. If you cannot travel, please contact Maggie at
802-524-3142 (Please do not call after 8:30 PM)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Holiday Gift idea that supports your Chittenden team!

We have purple Special Olympics Chittenden logo tee-shirts available for sale. Consider buying a tee-shirt for family members or Chittenden supporters as holiday gifts. Proceeds will support our Chittenden team!
Shirts are $15.00 each.

Contact Sharron Whittle to place an order: 876-7007
Make checks payable to Special Olympics Vermont-Chittenden

Youth L through Adult XL available now, other sizes may be ordered.

Please note, all athletes will be receiving one shirt at no charge to use as a team shirt at Special Olympics events. These are to show team spirit and do not replace our various sports uniforms. We will begin distributing the shirts to athletes at Winter Games and will continue at Spring Sports, Summer Games and Fall Sports until everyone has one. Please consider purchasing extra shirts for your athletes as back-ups!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Chittenden Delegation Fund raising plans

At our monthly program meeting on December 3rd, we reviewed the Chittenden financial outlook. We are currently in the red with a balance of -$1067.08. Our winter sports program expenses are projected to be $4500.00 so with a near term need of $6000.00 we spent time discussing fund raising activities.

Our list of 2009 fundraising activities and events include:
2009 Chittenden Delegation SOVT Calcutta to be held on Friday, March 13th at The Elks Club
Holiday "Be a Fan - Chittenden Delegation T-Shirt Sale (to be placed on blog and promoted electronically and by postcard to non-computer folks)
Dance Party (tentatively scheduled for mid-January at a location to also be determined)
Fundraising with the Torch Run (utilizing online giving to sponsor a Chittenden Law Enforcement Officer)

We will have a fund raising working meeting on Monday December 22 at 7:00 PM. Please contact Karen or me if you are interested in helping with these activities.

David Bogdan & Karen Bogdan 802-865-3840
Chittenden Program Coordinators
Special Olympics Vermont