Saturday, December 6, 2008

Chittenden Delegation Fund raising plans

At our monthly program meeting on December 3rd, we reviewed the Chittenden financial outlook. We are currently in the red with a balance of -$1067.08. Our winter sports program expenses are projected to be $4500.00 so with a near term need of $6000.00 we spent time discussing fund raising activities.

Our list of 2009 fundraising activities and events include:
2009 Chittenden Delegation SOVT Calcutta to be held on Friday, March 13th at The Elks Club
Holiday "Be a Fan - Chittenden Delegation T-Shirt Sale (to be placed on blog and promoted electronically and by postcard to non-computer folks)
Dance Party (tentatively scheduled for mid-January at a location to also be determined)
Fundraising with the Torch Run (utilizing online giving to sponsor a Chittenden Law Enforcement Officer)

We will have a fund raising working meeting on Monday December 22 at 7:00 PM. Please contact Karen or me if you are interested in helping with these activities.

David Bogdan & Karen Bogdan 802-865-3840
Chittenden Program Coordinators
Special Olympics Vermont

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