Friday, March 11, 2011


Nine years ago in 2002, the Chittenden Program started the "Jeff Kutt Spirit Award" in remembrance of Jeff.  He was a very determined athlete who loved bowling and life!  Jeff had a congenital heart condition and although he was ill for a very long time, he kept bowling as long as he could.  He was 27 in 2001 when he passed away and in March 2002, Larry Young was named to first recipient of the "Jeff Kutt Spirit Award," which was presented by Jeff's father at the Annual Pot Luck Supper and Awards Night.  In addition to Larry, past award recipients have included:  Peter Tarte, Dawn Daggett, Randy Turner, Wayne Ashline, Robin Shockey, Scott Johnston, Camille Cardinal and Daniel Goodrow.

Please submit to me you nomination for the Jeff Kutt Spirit Award of an athlete who emulates Jeff's determination and positive spirit.  Please submit your nominations to me no later than Tuesday March 15th by email at  and please include the following information:  Name of the athlete, your name and the reasons why you feel this individual has earned this award.  The annual Pot Luck and Awards Night is Thursday march 24th at Our Lade of Grace Church.

Please contact me with any questions in the evening at 899-5506.
Lori Uerz

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