Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Special Olympics Vermont Regional Meeting

All program coordinators, coaches, support & family members are invited to attend a 

Special Olympics Vermont Regional Meeting 

Please join Lisa DeNatale, Chris Bernier and Michelle Gates for a current account of the organization and a collaborative discussion about our goals. 

Please RSVP to Michelle: 
Mgates@vtso.org or 802-863-5222 X108 

Thursday, March 20, 5:30-7:00pm: The Best Western Windjammer Inn, 1076 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 Conference Room (rear of hotel)


5:30pm Introductions
5:40pm Past/Present/Future of SOVT: Where are we going & why? 
5:50pm Review of SO & SOVT Priorities and Strategic Plan 
6:00pm Budget & Funding: The real facts and figures 
6:15pm Open Discussion: Questions/Comments/Feedback 
7:00pm Closing

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