Thursday, March 1, 2018

2018 Special Olympics Vermont Winter Games

Athletes, families and caregivers,

On the 18, 19, and 20 of March, the Chittenden Delegation will be traveling to Pico Mountain for the 2018 Winter Games. Check in and opening ceremonies will be at Pico Mountain. We will be staying at the Killington Pinnacle Condominiums. The Alpine ski, snowboard and snowshoe teams will compete at Pico Mountain. The cross country ski team will compete at nearby Mountain Meadows XC Ski and Snowshoe Center. I hope this message will give you the information you need, but if you have questions, please call Maggie at 802-524-3142, or Karen or me at 802-865-3840.  Also Special Olympics Vermont has published the 2018 Winter Games Event Guide available here:
Event Guide:  
Click on the image to the right----------------->

Parents and guests
You are all welcome to come to the games to cheer the athletes on. Each days competition will begin at about 9:00 a.m. On Monday the last race will end around 3:00 and awards will be done around 4:00, on Tuesday around 1:30.

Snow conditions and weather
As you are well aware, mother nature has not been cooperating with our winter sports program. Conditions at Pico Mountain are being assessed daily. Please be prepared for changes in events and schedules to adjust for conditions. Pico Mountain will do every thing in their power to create a good competition environment but we need to be prepared for changes and to go with the flow. 
Team travel
The Chittenden delegation will travel by car pool caravan leaving from the SOVT office in South Burlington and returning to the same place. You should be at the Special Olympics office by 2:30 PM on Sunday, March 18th. We will return by 3:30 PM on Tuesday, March 20th. A phone list will be brought so that we can make cell phone calls if our return time changes significantly.  Please anticipate that we may return early or late and be available for pick up.
The athletes need to have clothing appropriate to being outdoors for two hours on Sunday evening at the opening ceremony, for competing on Monday and Tuesday, and for the dance on Monday night.  The theme of the dance is "Galaxy".  The dance will end at 8:30 again!

Daily Logistics and Packing
On Monday morning before breakfast, we need to be ready to board a bus at 8:00 to go to Pico Mountain. Athletes must have everything that they will need until 4:00 pm when we will return by bus to the Pinnacle. Breakfast will be served in the Pico Mountain Lodge. Cross Country Skiiers will take a bus to the cross country venue after breakfast. On Tuesday we will need to clear everything from our our rooms by 8:00 AM, before breakfast, and car pool to the ski area. We will not be returning to the Pinnacle; we will leave Tuesday afternoon directly from the ski area. Lunch will be served at the Pico Mountain Lodge. In order to make these moves without fail, athletes will have to pack very carefully. Athletes should bring one bag for ski/snowshoe equipment and one other bag for clothing. Please do not over pack! Bring only those items that they really need. Please leave your electronics at home. Cell phones are okay to bring but cell reception may be poor.  Please remember, Special Olympics staff and volunteers are not responsible for your stuff!
Sunday evenings meal
Our delegation will be buying cheese and single topping pizza pies to share. Please bring $10 to donate towards the pizza and drinks. If you prefer not to eat pizza, you may pack and bring your own brown bag dinner. You may want to bring additional money for souvenirs from the Killington, Pico or Special Olympics Vermont swag.

Monday and Tuesday Meals
Breakfast and lunch on Monday and Tuesday and dinner on Monday evening will be provided to credentialed people as part of the program.


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