Tuesday, November 26, 2019

2019 Special Olympics Vermont Holiday Games!

The 2019 Special Olympics Holiday Games will be held on Sunday December 8th. Bowling will be at Spare Time, Colchester and Swimming and Floorball with be at the Tarrant Recreation Center, St. Michael's College in Colchester

Click on the image below so see the Event Guide for Holiday Games 2019. This can also be found on the Holiday Games page on the SOVT website. I would like to highlight just a few important notes:
  1. There is no outside food or drink allowed at SpareTime. Coffee and water will be available free of charge, but please plan to eat any breakfast food prior to arrival. 
  2. Based on numbers, bowling will likely wrap up, including awards, prior to when lunch would be available. If bowling participants and coaches would like lunch, please stop by St. Michael’s College on your way home, eat some lunch and cheer on your fellow athletes competing in floorball and swimming! If you let me know your teams lunch plans, I can set aside lunches for you for when you arrive at St. Mike’s. 

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