Thursday, March 19, 2020

Covid-19 update: Summer Sports practice canceled through the end of May

I know how disappointing this is, but Special Olympics Vermont has decided to cancel all training and competition through the end of May. This was a very strong recommendation from Special Olympics International. Many Vermont Program Coordinators were on the call when the decision was made, including me, and the decision was unanimous. We want our athletes, coaches, families and caregivers to be safe and that means encouraging "social distancing" and canceling all group activities. 

This means that there will be no basketball practice and no bocce practice. Special Olympics Vermont has not canceled the weekend of Summer Games, yet, but if an event is held, it will be different that "Summer Games". 

Special Olympics International and Special Olympics Vermont are both working on ways to keep everyone engaged and active while at home. I will keep you posted on that. Stay home and stay safe!  Dave


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