Monday, August 30, 2021

2021 Fall Sports Update

Hi all, recreational soccer, recreational softball, track and golf are all well underway. This Wednesday, we start Bocce! I have updates for Bocce, some limited information on the Fall Competition and a change to the Soccer schedule:

First for Bocce (and all other sports), we have instituted a formal check-in for Covid-19. We require that individuals wear a mask to check-in. We will take temperatures and ask the standard Covid-19 questions at check-in. We will also require athletes and others participating in practice to wear masks during practice since we will be a large group and relatively close to each other on the bocce court. Special Olympics requires everyone, athletes, coaches and support people to sign a Covid-19 waiver form which will be valid for 3 years. It will help with check in if you bring a completed Covid-19 waiver to practice. You may find it here:
I will have some blank waiver forms but not enough for everyone!

Fall Games will be on Saturday September 18th. Golf will be at Basin Harbor Golf Club Course. Track and Bocce will be at the Collins Perley Sports & Fitness Center. We do not have a detailed schedule yet but will have to register our delegation by September 6th. Please let me know if you cannot attend your competition. I will be asking this at the first Bocce practice!  Please note that we will not be able to provide transportation to the competition!

We have announced a Soccer schedule change. Starting next week, 9/7/21, we are moving soccer practice to Tuesdays from 5:45 to 7:00.

That's all for now. Thanks, Dave

David C. Bogdan
Chittenden Program Coordinator
Special Olympics Vermont


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