Tuesday, March 29, 2022

2022 Chittenden Bocce Practice

 It is time to sign up for Bocce!  Please contact Dave Bogdan (dbogdan@ieee.org or 802-865-3840) to preregister so that we can have your medical at practice.

We are pleased to announce that Bocce practice begins Wednesday, April 13th, 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM at the Willey Family Farm in back of the Fairgrounds in Essex Junction. Take the St. James Place entrance to the fairgrounds from route 2A. Practices will be Wednesdays through June 1st. 

Masks will be optional for those who are vaccinated for COVID-19 and have had booster shot. Masks will be required for those not vaccinated for COVID-19.

Special Olympics Vermont is hoping to offer a Bocce Sports Competition on Saturday June 4th. The location and times for the competition have not been finalized but it will be a one-day event! 


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