Wednesday, September 27, 2023

2023 Fall Fitness Walks

Hi all, the survey says the Essex location is the favorite! I hope those who prefer Williston will still participate in the Essex or Burlington walk.

Essex Fitness Walk - 5:00 - 6:00 PM Monday's starting 10/2/23 at the Willey Family Farm, 7 St James Place, Essex Junction.

Burlington Fitness Walk - 5:00 -6:00 PM Thursday's starting 10/5/23 at Leddy Park, Burlington.

Please let me know if you plan to attend either walk.

I am still working on our Holiday Sports schedule for Floorball and Swimming.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Special Olympics Vermont Fall Games Torch Run

Hi all,

Officer Bri Williamson shared some info regarding upcoming Torch Run events. Please be in touch with Bri and me to let us know if you have athletes who may be interested in joining for any part of the Torch Run. As a reminder, many of the route segments are not supported by a vehicle/cruiser, so any athletes who sign up need to be physically able to complete the run they sign up for. If athletes would like to run, but are not able to run the full distance outlined, please be in touch so we can see if there are opportunities to set up a shorter segment within any of the longer segments for athletes to join. Athletes will need to arrange their own transportation to and from any events in which they choose to participate.

Please note: there are additional segments Bri is working to confirm. Once I receive that information, I will share out. If it is not listed here, I don’t yet have the route information 😊

Wednesday, September 13

  • Highgate Springs, VT - Swanton, VT, 7:30am start
    • Run begins at Highgate Springs Port of Entry and goes to Swanton Sector Border Patrol
  • Windsor, VT, 10am start
    • Officers start run at elementary school track
    • Continue a walk/run with group of students down Main Street
    • Collect high school students and continue run for 1.5 miles


Thursday, September 14

  • Brattleboro, VT – Dummerston, VT, 8am start
    • Brattleboro & other local area PDs run from downtown Brattleboro to Dummerston line along US-5
  • Vermont Police Academy Torch Run/Field Day, Pittsford, VT, 4:20pm-7:30pm
    • Quick presentation to Police Academy recruits about Special Olympics and Torch Run (athletes invited to introduce themselves, share their favorite things about Special Olympics, and what sports they play)
    • Everyone moves outside or to the gym for relay games/events
    • Athletes are invited to join police recruits for dinner at 6:30
    • Athletes must be picked up no later than 7:30pm


Friday, September 15

  • Barre, VT – Montpelier, VT, 8:30am start
    • Route starts at Spaulding High School to South Main/RT 14 to North Main/RT 302
    • RT 302 west through Barre City, Berlin, and Montpelier
    • At roundabout in Montpelier, route takes RT 2 to Main St to State St (Capitol building) – arriving around 10am
  • Montpelier, VT – Bolton, VT, 10am start
    • Capitol building to creemee stand on RT 2 for handoff to VSP Middlesex
    • Creemee stand on Rt 2 to Waterbury/Bolton town line
  • Georgia, VT – Milton, VT, 11:30am start
    • Route starts with Milton PD around 11:30 am from Red Barn Warehouse on the Georgia/Milton line
    • Run down RT 7 and meet for handoff to Colchester PD/Rescue at Gonyeau Rd, Milton
  • Milton, VT – Essex, VT, 1pm start
    • Colchester PD start from Gonyeau Rd, Milton and run to the Colchester/Essex line on 2A for handoff to Essex PD
    • At approximately 2pm, Essex PD continues down 2A, through 5 Corners in Essex Jct, up Pearl St (past the Expo and Susie Wilson Rd), to Fort Ethan Allen
  • Williston, VT – South Burlington, VT, 2:45pm start
    • Segment starts at Williston Fire Department and travels Williston Rd, through Taft Corners
    • Turns on South Brownell to Shunpike Rd and up Marshall Ave to South Burlington PD/SOVT office
  • Essex/Colchester, VT – Winooski, VT, 3:30pm start
    • Winooski PD begins run at Fort Ethan Allen and runs down College Parkway and RT 15, to East Allen, then West Allen, ending at the Winooski PD


Saturday, September 16

  • St. Albans, VT – 8:15am start
    • Meet at VSP St. Albans barracks at 8:15-8:30am
    • Run 1.3 miles from barracks to Collins Perley Sports Complex
    • ALL athletes attending Northern Fall Games will be invited for a walking/rolling final lap around the track at Collins Perley as the Parade of Athletes to kick off Opening Ceremonies





Rachel Hamm Vaughan

Vice President of Programs

2023 Special Olympics Vermont Fall Sports Competition and Golf Tournament

Here is the high level schedule for Fall Games. The Soccer Softball and Track competition will be at the Collins Perley Sports and Fitness Center in St. Albans on Saturday September 16th.  The Golf competition will be at the Golf Club at Basin Harbor on Sunday September 17th.  Both locations will have a similar high level schedule:

9:00 AM - Check-in, we will be handing out jerseys during check-in.
9:30 AM - Opening Ceremonies (9:45 for Golf)
10:00 AM - Competition begins
3:00 PM - Estimated end of all competitions and awards

Lunch will be available for registered athletes, coaches and partners. Please bring a water bottle.

We will collect the jerseys after final awards and before you leave. 
Softball and Soccer spectators may want to bring lawn chairs.