Sunday, September 10, 2023

2023 Special Olympics Vermont Fall Sports Competition and Golf Tournament

Here is the high level schedule for Fall Games. The Soccer Softball and Track competition will be at the Collins Perley Sports and Fitness Center in St. Albans on Saturday September 16th.  The Golf competition will be at the Golf Club at Basin Harbor on Sunday September 17th.  Both locations will have a similar high level schedule:

9:00 AM - Check-in, we will be handing out jerseys during check-in.
9:30 AM - Opening Ceremonies (9:45 for Golf)
10:00 AM - Competition begins
3:00 PM - Estimated end of all competitions and awards

Lunch will be available for registered athletes, coaches and partners. Please bring a water bottle.

We will collect the jerseys after final awards and before you leave. 
Softball and Soccer spectators may want to bring lawn chairs.

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