Sunday, November 23, 2008

Special Olympics Snoeshoe Special Offers

Special Olympics has arranged special pricing for Snowshoes from both Tubbs and Redfeather. Maggie Trayah is coordinating purchases for the Chittenden Delegation. If anyone would like to order snowshoes please email Maggie and she will send the price list to you. Alternatively, you may join our Special Olympics Vermont Chittenden Delegation Google Group and see the price list for Tubbs and Redfeather online.

Maggie wants to order them the first weekend in December. The order should all go in at the same time so she would need your order and money in by December 3rd. It takes 2-3 weeks for them to deliver them. This offer applies to everyone not just the athletes.

Maggie's email is

Coach for Snowshoe and X-Country Skiing

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