Thursday, July 30, 2009

2009 Fall Soccer begins soon!

Soccer practice begins Thursday August 20th from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM at the Hiawatha Elementary School soccer fields in Essex Junction. Bring your cleats, shin guards (available if you don't have your own) and water bottle and wear loose fitting black soccer shorts. Practice will be on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from August 20 through October 15th. We ask that athletes, parents and caregivers plan on staying for a quick information meeting at the beginning of the first practice. If you cannot attend the first practice, please call one of the coaches.

We hope to field two traditional teams at the Fall Sports competition on Saturday October 17th at Norwich University.

Mark and Andrea Robertson 802-872-7686
Bob and Lori Uerz 802-899-5506
Maggie Trayah 802-524-3142

  1. A registration and orientation for the 2009 soccer season will be held at 5:30pm on Thursday, August 20th at the Hiawatha Elementary School. The first practice will immediately follow registration and orientation.
  2. Athletes who wish to participate in the soccer program should plan on attending. If you cannot make this meeting, please call assistant coach Andrea Robertson at 872-7686
  3. In addition to meeting your new soccer coaches, we will be updating your personal information. Please bring the following information with you:
    • Athlete Name/Address/Phone number(s)
    • Emergency contact Name/Phone number(s)
    • Medical condition(s) seizures/ heart conditions/ etc
    • Medications
  4. Athletes need to wear the new purple Chittenden short sleeve t-shirt.
  5. If you plan on participating in soccer and do not have a team shirt, please call assistant coach Andrea at 872-7686

Soccer Attire
Dress Like a Winner...Play Like a Winner!
Athletes in the fall soccer program are required have the following:
  • Cleats
  • A purple team t-shirt.
  • Black Shorts and/or Sweatpants
  • Shin Pads- Athletes who need shin pads will get them on a first come, first served basis
  • Knee-length socks to cover shin pads. A pair of under socks usually made of cotton or cotton blend is recommended to help prevent blisters.
  • One full Water Bottle

No jeans. No shoes or high tops. No jewelry or watches

Players must wear appropriate football attire to train and compete successfully. Inappropriate uniforms and equipment can impact a player's ability to play the game and, in some cases, may be a safety hazard. Teams dressed in good-looking and properly-fitted uniforms are more likely to be motivated to train and play as a team.


  • Be at practice dressed and ready to start at 5:30pm
  • Attend every practice, both Tuesdays and Thursdays. Call your coach if you must miss practice
  • Plan on forming car pools to attend the Fall Sports Competition at Norwich University on Saturday, October 17th.

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