Monday, September 11, 2017

2017 Special Olympics Vermont Fall Games

Fall Games 2017 Tentative Schedule

We are still finalizing the 2017 Fall Games Event Guide. To aid in your planning, we have provided a tentative schedule of the Games below. Please note: this schedule is subject to change; however, it should give you a general overview of each day with the newly introduced structure of 2-day, 1-night.

Saturday, September 23rd

Breakfast is on your own
8:15 – 9:15am Delegation check-in
9:15am Line-up for Parade of Athletes
9:20am Parade of Athletes
9:30am – 10:00am Opening Ceremonies
10:15am Shuttles depart for Softball/Golf Venues
10:15am Coach Meetings: Athletics & Soccer
10:30am Coach Meetings: Softball & Golf
10:30am Soccer (team) and Athletics competition kick-off
Athletics – Shot Put (10:30am)
Athletics – tennis ball throw (10:30am)
Athletics – softball throw (11:00am)
10:30am – 3:30pm Healthy Athlete Exams (Health Promotion & Fun Fitness)
10:45am Softball & Golf competition kick-off
Golf Levels 1 – 5 will compete both Saturday and Sunday
Lunch available 11:45am – 1:30pm
Reminder! Lunch is for delegation members and event volunteers only. Lunch will be delivered to golf and softball venues.
Family members and spectators are responsible for their own meals.
11:15am (softball shuttle will operate in 30-minute loops)
1:00pm – 3:00pm Soccer Skills (preliminary round; final round to take place Sunday morning)
1:30pm – 3:30pm Athletics: long jump, standing jump, & relays
2:30pm – 5:00pm Locker rooms will be available onsite for showering/changing
3:30pm Competition will conclude for all sports
4:45pm – 6:00pm Dinner
6:00pm – 7:30pm Dance (theme: Nautical)

Sunday, September 24th

Shuttle will be provided from main sports venue to Golf/Softball venues
8:30am/8:45am Coach Meetings – all sports
8:45am/9:00am Competition kick-off at various sports
9:00am – 11:00am Soccer Skills (final round)
Lunch (available 11:45am – 1:30pm)
12:30pm Final golf competition will conclude, awards to follow
3:30pm All competition concludes

All awards will be presented at South Burlington High School. Awards will be presented as divisions and events complete.

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