Monday, May 17, 2021

2021 Spring Fitness Walks and Run

Hi all, happy spring! We are going to start up our fitness walks and runs again. At this point we will be still following the exact same safety guidelines as last fall. That means we WILL be requiring masks, social distancing, and the formal check-in and attendance log for contact tracing.

We will be offering 8 weeks of walks and runs at the same four locations as last year. We are limiting each location to 20 athletes so please contact me to sign up. The locations, times and start dates are:

Burlington, Leddy Park - Mondays, starting 5/24/21 from 6:00 - 7:30 led by Dave/Karen

Williston, Williston Community Park - Tuesdays, starting 5/25/21 from  5:30 - 7:00 led by Joe

Essex, Willey Family Farm - Wednesdays, starting 5/26/21 from 4:00 - 5:30 led by Giles

Shelburne, Shelburne Farms - Thursdays, starting 5/27/21 from 5:00 - 6:30 led by Ellen

We are asking sign-in volunteers to arrive a half hour early to prepare for sign-in. I am still looking for volunteers, contact me!

Please sign up for only one location. We will require a signed COVID-19 Code of Conduct and a new Special Olympics Communicable Disease Waiver form for each participant. If you filled out a COVID-19 Code of Conduct last year, you do not need to do it again.

The COVID-19 Code of Conduct may be found here:

The Special Olympics Communicable Disease Waiver may be found here:

The Green Mountain Self-Advocates Club Guide to COVID-19 may be found here:

I hope you will sign up. Looking forward to getting out and seeing everyone, Dave

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