Thursday, September 16, 2021

2021 Chittenden Bocce Update

We are having our in-person local competition this Saturday, September 18th at the Willey Family Farm, the same place practice has been. Please arrive by 8:45 AM for check in. We will be taking temperatures of everyone; athletes, coaches, family, caregivers and spectators. Masks are required at all times and social distancing is required. I know that is hard at the bocce courts.

Athletes, please wear your Hawaiian bocce shirts! New athletes, we did not have time this season to order new shirts so if you have a Hawaiian shirt or any crazy shirt, please wear it! We will have new shirts for new athletes next bocce season!

We will have pizza, apples and drinks for lunch. If you do not want pizza, please bring lunch. We will attempt to keep social distance while handing out pizza.

We hope to be all done with lunch and awards by 1:00 or 1:30 PM. This is the first time we have actually hosted a competition so please be patient and enjoy the bocce spirit!

See you there!  Dave


p.s. There will be one portalet available. 

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