Wednesday, December 1, 2021

2022 Chittenden Alpine Ski and Snowboard practice

Our Chittenden program  is pleased to partner with Vermont Adaptive to provide Alpine Ski and Snowboard practice. Please contact David Bogdan <>, phone 802-865-3840 to sign up. This year, those needing equipment will be able to get free rentals at Mt. Ellen through Vermont Adaptive. I will need to know if you need equipment and transportation when you sign up. We will require a current medical on file before you may go to the mountain!  

We will again provide transportation from Special Olympics Vermont to Sugarbush Mt Ellen for those who need it. We will depart at 11:45AM and plan to be back by 4:45PM. 

Please note that the lunch bar at Mt Ellen will only take payment by credit card and will not accept cash. Please plan accordingly and bring snacks and drinks if you do not have a card.  

Here are the details from Felicia at Vermont Adaptive, you will have to complete the athlete profile and the online waivers:

- Sunday Afternoon's 1-3:30 at Mt Ellen
January 9, 23, 30
February 6, 13, 27
March 6, 13
(the first day of practice will likely be very busy, we have another group of around 15 or so in town)

1. Athlete Profiles - for all athletes
2. Online Waivers - for all athletes and staff

Covid Guidelines - please read carefully


As we prepare for the winter season and the return of close-contact lessons, Vermont Adaptive is asking each and every one of our community members - athletes, companions, volunteers, interns, and staff - to agree to RESPECT THE PLAY. By following these simple  practices, we can make Vermont Adaptive winter programs possible and allow for fair and safe access to outdoor play for EveryBODY.

We believe that everyone has the right and the need to have opportunities to play. When each of us agrees to these simple practices, it allows for everyone to make their own, personal decision about the level of risk they are comfortable with while playing at Vermont Adaptive this winter. When everyone RESPECTS THE PLAY, everyone gets fair access to play.

Thank you for adhering to these Winter 2021-2022 RESPECT THE PLAY practices:

  1. ALL Vermont Adaptive Participants (athletes, companions, volunteers, interns, and staff), age 5 and older, will be fully vaccinated.

  2. We will ALL wear masks at ALL times indoors.

  3. We will ALL wear masks outside anytime we are within 10 Feet of someone from another household.

  4. We will ALL complete a daily health check and stay home if we are sick or we can’t pass the health check.

These practices may change and Vermont Adaptive reserves the right to make updates as Federal, local, and industry guidance change. We anticipate some version of this to be in place for the entire winter.

Details of how we will RESPECT THE PLAY will be covered in future training and in reservation confirmation emails. 

If you have questions about these RESPECT THE PLAY practices, or you are concerned that you may not be able to meet them, please speak with the Program Coordinator at your location. We hope you will all choose to follow the RESPECT THE PLAY practices and come play this winter.

Let me know what questions come up!

- Felicia

Felicia Fowler, CTRS
Program Coordinator 
(802) 343-1193
Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports
Sports for Every Body

Calling All Volunteers! We need you this winter! Preparations for winter off- and on-snow training are underway, and we’re looking for new and returning volunteers to join us on the snow this winter. The first step is to sign up and register to volunteer. You’ll then be on our preferred list to receive all the up-to-date information about training (virtual and in-person) that will begin late fall and continue into November and December. Come share your passion for snow sports with others - register today!


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