Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Chittenden Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Practice starts January 7th 2023

Hi all, we are happy to offer Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe practice starting Saturday January 7th 2023 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM at the Catamount Outdoor Family Center. Please contact Dave Bogdan <dbogdan@ieee.org> or 802-865-3840 to sign up.

As with last year, snowshoes are not allowed on the groomed cross country ski trails so you will be on a snowshoe trail while skiers will be on a ski trail. We will have to check in and register as a group at the shack in the parking lot. The coaches will do the check-in but we need to know who is attending each Saturday. 

Catamount will require all participants to complete a waiver. You may complete it on-line here: https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/588f7c34a36c8/web/%20target=

Catamount will not be offering free equipment this year. They will charge $20 for skis and, with advanced notice, can have snowshoes available for $5. You will be responsible for paying for equipment if you need it. 

As always, we need a current medical to participate. I can check your status when you sign up. 

Practice will run from January 7th through March 25th. If the trails are closed, we have the option to walk the Burlington Bike Path. At this point, we are not planning on any indoor alternatives.  Thanks, Dave

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