Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Life Enhancement Group

by Helen Hipp, MA, CTACC. Life Coaching for Adults with Special Needs
Location: Williston Rd. TBA

Group focus:
Through group discussion and exercises, participants will learn and practice strategies for living for today and planning for their future.

Group Description:
This eight-session workshop is for young men and women who would like to build their independent life skills and enhance their lives.
Participants will learn and practice skills for making friends, initiating conversation, making decisions, expressing feelings and managing disappointment.

About the Group Facilitator:
As a coach and group facilitator I support the uniqueness of individuals by encouraging clients to view their personal transitions as amazing growth opportunities.
My approach is highly creative, compassionate and tailored to the unique needs of each individual.

* Master of Arts Degree in Counseling
* Coach Training Alliance Certified Coach
* Parent of a child with Special Needs
* Over ten years of counseling experience
* Twenty years of experience as a successful advocate for individuals with special needs and their families.
* Recognized by an Executive, Professional & Entrepreneurial Registry for showing dedication, leadership and excellence in all aspects of self-improvement.

The fee is $35.00 per session for an eight-session workshop which includes their dinner for a total of $280.00 per person. Starting in April the group meets every other Friday at 7:00pm for 1 hour for 8 weeks ending June 2009.

To register please contact
Sharon Whittle at
802 876-7007
Helen Hipp M.A., CTACC
at 802 899-2128

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