Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Special Olympics Vermont Young Athletes

Special Olympics Vermont Young Athletes program introduces young children with intellectual disabilities and their families to the world of Special Olympics.

Young Athletes Program
  • is an innovative sports play program for children ages 2 -7
  • is a series of developmentally appropriate activities designed specifically for young children and their family members
  • seeks to strengthen physical development and self-esteem for children by building skills for future sports participation and socialization prior to Special Olympics competition eligibility

Special Olympics Vermont has partnered with the University of Vermont to offer this unique program to children ages 2 – 7. UVM will provide instructors to lead the class in age appropriate play activities. Parents will participate with their child in each week’s activities and can simulate the activities learned during the class at home.


Class Times: Saturdays 10:00 – 10:45am

Dates: March 28, April 11, 18, and 25

Location: Mann Hall, Trinity Campus, UVM

Cost: Free!

Registration: Contact Donna Diaz, Director of Sports, Special Olympics Vermont (800)639-1603 x104

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