Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sports Season Reorganization

All, you may have heard the rumors or seen the news that Special Olympics Vermont is reorganizing our sports seasons. You may see the announcement, read about reasons for the change and see the transition schedule here:

One of the key features of the reorganization is that there will be four major competition events with multiple sports to choose from for each event. Athletes (and coaches) will have to choose which sport they want to participate in.

There are many proposed new sports to be offered. Special Olympics Vermont is conducting a sports interest survey available here:

The results of this survey will be used to select which sports to offer in the future. Please note that local programs like ours, may not offer all sports available through Special Olympics Vermont. Chittenden will strive to offer as many sports as possible but will require new coaches, equipment, facilities and funds to be able to expand our program.

I look forward to working with everyone as we move through this transition. Change is hard, let's make the best of it!  Dave

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