Monday, September 13, 2021

2021 Special Olympics Chittenden Fall Sports - Track Update

Hi all, you may have heard the disappointing news that the Special Olympics Vermont Fall Games Bocce and Track competition in St. Albans is being changed to a virtual event due the COVID-19 upsurge along with the large number of people who would have attended.

For track, we will be participating in the state-wide virtual competition. Our track coaches will measure your times and distances at this Wednesday's practice and submit them to Special Olympics Vermont. Special Olympics Vermont will then division the state-wide event times and determine everyone's results. We will then have a get together to present medals at a later date.
Below is information from Special Olympics Vermont that we will be following:

All events will be held outdoors and will follow Covid protocols, including Covid check-in, required masks for all participants regardless of vaccination status, social distancing, and hand sanitizing. A note on health and safety recommendations from the Vermont Department of Health: 

  • Vaccination is the best method for protecting yourself and preventing transmission of COVID-19 and its variants. SOVT strongly recommends that all participants eligible for the vaccine be vaccinated. 
  • Testing is also recommended, but not mandatory. To prevent the spread of Covid, it is safest practice for unvaccinated participants to receive a negative Covid test up to 72 hours in advance of an event. It is also best for people who have attended a large gathering to get a Covid test 3 - 5 days after the event.
  • Fall Games Track & Field events will take place at the local level, in-person, with a virtual statewide competition. We request that final athlete competition scores be collected at the regularly scheduled practice in the coming week.

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