Monday, September 13, 2021

2021 Chittenden Fall Sports - Bocce Competition Update

Hi all, you may have heard the disappointing news that the Special Olympics Vermont Fall Games Bocce and Track competition in St. Albans is being changed to a virtual event due the COVID-19 upsurge along with the large number of people who would have attended.

Our bocce coaches will run a local Chittenden only competition this Saturday, September 18th at the Willey Family Farm (same place as our practices. Athlete check-in will begin at 8:45 AM, we will have an opening ceremony then start competition at 9:30 AM. We hope to be done by 1:30 PM or 2:00 PM.  Pizza lunch will be provided. Mark your calendar and note the new location! 

Below is information from Special Olympics Vermont that we will be following:

All events will be held outdoors and will follow Covid protocols, including Covid check-in, required masks for all participants regardless of vaccination status, social distancing, and hand sanitizing. A note on health and safety recommendations from the Vermont Department of Health: 

  • Vaccination is the best method for protecting yourself and preventing transmission of COVID-19 and its variants. SOVT strongly recommends that all participants eligible for the vaccine be vaccinated. 
  • Testing is also recommended, but not mandatory. To prevent the spread of Covid, it is safest practice for unvaccinated participants to receive a negative Covid test up to 72 hours in advance of an event. It is also best for people who have attended a large gathering to get a Covid test 3 - 5 days after the event.

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